Face Mapping: Beginner Guide

Demystify the secrets behind reading your complexion for a healthier glow – inside and out.

We all know the age-old saying "you are what you eat", but did you know that your face is proof of that? Acne, irritation, and redness aren’t just the result of hormones or environmental stressors, they may also be the results of the food or drink you consume. Face mapping is a great way to track your food sensitivities and their effect on your skin.

What is face-mapping?

Face-mapping is a way of reading your complexion. If there's an imbalance in your body, it will show on your skin, whether it be acne, redness, or dryness. This method of skin issue identification has been used for thousands of years, beginning in ancient China.

One of the body parts that most commonly affects the skin is the liver. Toxins build up from a variety of triggering diets such as fried foods, high sugar consumption, or foods that cause sensitivities because of their acidity (such as tomatoes or bell peppers). Our bodies are very efficient in naturally eliminating toxins from our diet; however, if the toxic load is too high, your body may experience difficulty. This is when you begin to experience symptoms that you can analyze through face-mapping. 


Face zones

Face-mapping begins by splitting the face into different zones. Each zone tells a different story to help you develop a deeper relationship with your entire body. The number of zones may differ depending on your source, but the main sections of your face are: 

Vata - Hairline to Lower Eyelid

This section is particularly sensitive to stress. The forehead is affected by your digestive system, meaning a poor diet can negatively impact the skin above your brow line. Acne around your temples may be a sign of kidney or bladder issues. The space between your eyebrows is linked closely with the liver; toxins from stress or a bad diet can lead to breakouts in this area.

Pitta - Cheeks, nose, and upper lip

This zone is very sensitive to diet. Foods with high amounts of sugar, acid, or lectins may cause issues in the liver and kidneys, leading to breakouts, redness, and inflammation in the Pitta zone. 

Kapha - Chin and jawline

This area is connected to hormonal imbalances and dietary concerns such as sugary foods and dairy. Yeast and fermented foods like wine and sauerkraut can also cause breakouts and redness in this zone.


Now that you have this information; what do you do with it? Experts in face-mapping suggest closely monitoring your skin and paying attention to your body's reaction to stress, diet, and other environmental factors. Although it hasn't been scientifically proven, many people have followed this method of self-care. 

As always, the suggestions to eat a healthy, balanced diet, get enough sleep, and avoid unnecessary stress still apply when it comes to face-mapping. Face-mapping is a great way to get an overall idea of your health and to ensure that certain parts of your body aren't being negatively impacted by your lifestyle. If you are unhappy with the skin on your face, reduce foods that cause inflammation (like processed foods and dairy), remove unhealthy parts of your diet, and be sure to take your daily vitamins. Next time you’re in front of a mirror, try examining your complexion a little closer and discover how you can bring more harmony through your body to improve your skin. 

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