Superfoods For Beauty Inside and Out

Are superfoods a marketing trend or are there some real benefits? Lets explore these nutrient dense foods together!

  Are "superfoods" real or is this just a marketing buzzword that's becoming more common? We think - why not both? There are plenty of fantastic reasons so many foods are getting this powerful moniker. Foods like watercress, spinach, and berries deserve all the recognition they receive because they provide us with so many amazing benefits. While superfoods may be a trending buzzword, we believe that superfoods should be a permanent staple in your lifestyle!

What is a superfood?

Although "superfoods" isn't really a scientific term, we know that it refers to foods with a very high nutritional density - meaning, they provide a significant amount of nutrients for a relatively low number of calories. These nutrients include minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. The latter is particularly helpful in reducing our risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory diseases, and many more.

Superfoods are an immensely beneficial part of our diet, but they are best paired with a balanced diet. These foods aren't a cure for everything, but they do significantly increase our quality of life (and who doesn’t want that?). The categories vary but include fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. There are also some benefits to certain fish, such as omega-3 fatty acids in salmon. Opinions differ but a majority of experts say that plant-based is the way to go in order to maintain a healthy weight, live longer, and experience fewer health concerns.

Getting past the cliche

As with any amazing thing that gains widespread attention, there are some cliches to avoid when considering a healthy diet full of superfoods. Marketing departments have had a field day adding "superfoods" to any labels possible. Companies and lobbyists have worked tirelessly to pass legislation to allow them to use this buzzword much more freely - and it's been proven to work in getting consumer's attention.

Be aware that sometimes the food is very healthy - but the processing is not. This is particularly true in drinks like green tea or fruit juices. To sell more product units, companies will add sugar and artificial flavoring which negate many of the benefits. Another fairly common example is grains; after extensive processing, many of the health benefits are lost.

Another cliche with superfoods is the idea that the food is healthy, so you can eat as much as you want at anytime you want. Just like any other food, a healthy balanced approach is the best option. Superfoods may be low in calories, but those figures can still add up if you aren't cautious.


Now that we've covered what superfoods are and the things you should be careful of, let's get to the fun part - the benefits!

Superfoods have tons of beautiful health benefits, including antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Superfoods are an important part of our diet to maintain a healthy body. 

Speaking of health, superfoods have also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and inflammatory conditions. Not only do they make your body healthy, but they also give you energy and more focus during the day, leading to more productivity. #girlpower 

Some of the most common superfoods that are easy to find, delicious, and immensely beneficial include avocado, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, leafy-greens like kale and spinach, beans, whole grains, and nuts. Perhaps the most underappreciated of these superfoods is watercress. 

Watercress is a nutrient-rich cruciferous vegetable with an exceptionally high amount of antioxidants. Its benefits include improving heart and blood vessel health. Some studies have linked consuming watercress to lower cholesterol, blood pressure levels and even a lower risk of breast cancer. Watercress also provides an abundance of vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are linked as being beneficial to healthy bones, leading to a lowered risk of osteoporosis.

Topical Benefits

Green tea has been shown in many studies to improve skin texture by reducing acne, inflammation, and redness. Green tea can be particularly useful around the delicate eye area to reduce puffiness.

Honey is a superfood with many topical uses, particularly as due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. A few benefits of honey include wound healing, sore throat relief, and acne treatment.

Of course, we can’t skip out on the wonders of watercress. Nourishing vitamins A, C, E, and K prevent premature aging and help reverse some environmental damage. You’ll also love the efficient hydration delivery that supports healthy elasticity production and suppleness. 

Start adding superfoods to your diet and in your daily skincare routine. Our Superfood Beauty Oil is the perfect addition to your complexion ritual without overcomplicating your morning/night, but adding key benefits for a healthy, radiant glow.

Always Pure, Always Natural.



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